The Screen Actors Guild gives out awards every year. Every year, they randomly select a small amout of the 100,000 members of the union to be on the Nominating Committee, who is charged with coming up with the nominations for the awards. Then, after the nominations are announced, then the entire body of the union gets to vote on the awards. Well, after 11 years in the union, I've been selected to be in the Nominating Committee. And, as you can imagine, I'm pretty psyched. And I'm also wicked busy.
I've been working on a new Spike show -- Flip Men, Tuesday nights at 10:30pm, check it out! -- which has been taking up a lot of my time. I'm also taking classes with Steppenwolf, which is awesome and kicking my butt in all the right ways. That eats up time too. So, in my meager downtime, I've been seeing movies. The above picture shows the amount of screeners I currently have at home right now. I'm due to get more in the mail too. I'm also going to a lot of screenings as well, and those are gobbling up time too. I've become a movie-watching machine lately.
Of what I've seen so far, my three favorites (in alphabetical order) are Albert Nobbs, Beginners, and Bridesmaids. All three are must-sees for different reasons: Albert Nobbs is a great little film showing a rich world of gender-bending Irish women fighting against poverty, Beginners is an assured film that will make you laugh and cry in equal measure, and Bridesmaids is a hilarious film that has way more going for it than you think. While I'm not surprised that both Albert Nobbs and Beginners are getting the awards push, the fact that Universal is doing the same for Bridesmaids just makes me smile. It comes across at first like a gross-out goofy comedy, but at the heart of it Bridesmaids is really sweet and sharp movie about how we sell ourselves too short and how we have to be better people. Its screenplay is one of the most well-constructed pieces of writing I've come across in a long time, and the acting is just amazing. All around. Comedy tends to get the short-shrift during awards season, so the fact that Bridesmaids is getting any love this time of year says something.
Out of all the movies featured in the above picture, I've seen only seven of them. I also have at least 7 more screenings I have to go to. I have to watch everything and put my votes in by December 12th. So, if you e-mail me and I don't get back to you promptly, it's because I'm either working on a TV show, working on my acting, or seeing and evaluating movies. Send help.
[PS. Since I'm an avid rule follower, all of my screeners are not leaving my apartment building, will not be posted onto the web, and will not be sold by me. I like my union and I'd like to stay in it, thank you very much]
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