I've been away from this blog for a long time. A very, very long time. Apologies for that. While it's obvious that I've been away because I've been busy, I wish I could say it's because something amazing was going on in my life. That's not the case. Nothing horrible, either. I've been working a lot. In fact, the show I've been working on, Flip Men on Spike, debuted this week to some strong ratings. While that's going, I have other things going on as well. Here's the list:
- Work: Flip Men
- Acting Class: Steppenwolf West
- Acting Career
- Marriage
- Family
- Friends
- SAG Nom Comm Screenings
My life is pretty busy right now, and I'll work in the blogging as much as possible. I have to admit that Facebook has eaten up my political links and posts lately but once the 2012 campaign starts next year, I'll be more active here. Thanks for being patient. Be back soon.