Back from Illinois and seeing the family and suffering through cold and snow, I come back to California to suffer through cold and snow. Just... odd.
The shoot on the horror film went well -- my death scene was taken away from me, due to a glitch in the logic of script. It makes more sense for the story for another character to die instead of me. While I'm a bit bummed, the rest of the shoot was a blast. Professional people, great crew, good time all around.
We're getting closer to finishing the mockumentary. We have a great composer working with us and I'm very psyched wth his progress.
And, topping all of this off, Hillary has thrown her hat into the ring. Between her and Obama and Richardson and Edwards and McCain and Brownback (crazy!) and Guiliani, this is going to be one of the most exciting US presidential races in a long, long time. For the first time since... jeez, the 30's?... there is no incumbent running. I'm really, really psyched about this. A bit scared as well, but mostly excited. Right now, between Hillary, Obama and Edwards, I'm... well, evenly split. I'm going to have to do more research before I swing my support behind one or the other. And besides, the election isn't for another 22 months. A lot can happen in that time period.