It was bound to happen, I guess. I broke down -- they won. I've been watching American Idol this season. I've caught bits and pieces of previous seasons, but Tom and I have seen practically every episode of Season 5. My current faves are Chris (bald, hot, great performer), Mandisa (black, large, fabulous, fantastic singer and performer), Katherine McPhee (poise for days, beautiful, killer voice, great smile) and Paris (cute, black, young, and a born performer). While I and my greying temples appreciate Taylor's silver mane, his tic-addled and mannered performances kinda drive me nuts. And that fucking smug look on his face. Ace Young is very, very pretty... and also pretty dull. And Kevin Covais finally left tonight, and it's been far overdue.
Okay, I admit it. I'm hooked on American Idol. I mean 34 million people can't be wrong, can they? 54 million electing a President who tramples over civil rights and keeping a horribly unpopular war -- yes. 34 million keeping Mandisa around? I'm all for that.
Posted by: katie d | March 24, 2006 at 08:23 PM